Welcome to the PRISM client portal.
It has been a great privilege to work with you all over the past many months. We are grateful for your engaged participation and commitment to continuous improvement at the Elliot, at Southern, and across the SolutionHealth System as a whole.
We recognize that rolling out what you have learned to your teams is not a small ask. Your willingness to embrace this challenge speaks volumes about you and your commitment to all those with whom you work. You are on the bus. You have chosen to take this journey and find ways to get your team on board as well. Thank you.
Getting Started
To facilitate your journey, we at PRISM have created this resource library to provide you with easy access to the learning tools we have covered during the past many months together. Before you dig in, we wanted to remind you of two processes that we rely on heavily in our work – the “Go-Around” and the PRISM Decision-Making Process. These processes help build connection, ensure everyone’s voice is heard, and allow for diverse perspectives to be shared.
Go Arounds
Much of the shared learning has taken place during the “Go-Arounds” at the beginning of each session. Those conversations are both invaluable and also impossible to replicate. You can create equally powerful conversations with your teams using the recommended “Go-Arounds” included with each unit, or you can create your own Go-Around.
As a reminder, the “Go-Arounds” involve 3 distinct steps:
- Sharing a prompt, such as “Name one thing you collect”;
- Giving participants 60 seconds to think about and write down their answer, during which time, the group should remain silent; and
- The Go-Around: inviting each participant, one at a time, to share their answer.
While people should have the option to “pass” if they do not feel comfortable, it is helpful if everyone thinks of at least one thing to contribute.
The “Go-Arounds” have several purposes, including:
- They build awareness and connection;
- They ensure everyone is encouraged to speak right away in the meeting;
- They prompt meaningful conversation on important topics; and
- They allow for generous and focused listening because participants are not focused on what they are going to say while the others are speaking.
The PRISM Decision-Making Process
Remember the snowman? We recommend using the PRISM Decision-Making Process™ as a framework for the creation of team norms. The PRISM Process involves 4 key steps: 1. Brainstorming, 2. Discerning, 3. Formulating, and 4. Implementing.
Step One – Brainstorming – calls for an open and expansive generation of ideas. As long as the idea is relevant, it should be brought forth in the group and added to the options to be considered.
Step Two – Discerning – focuses on taking the list generated in step 1 and identifying the option or options that the group most wants to focus on next. Recognizing that every problem has a solution and every solution has a problem, which option best meets the needs of the group and its resources? Which option can the team agree to back, even if it is not each person’s first choice?
Step Three – Formulating – is about creating the plan for putting the ideas into action. This step includes conversations to identify key tasks and contributors necessary to successfully implement the plan. This step should also include the creation of a timeline.
Step Four – Implementing – is “go” time. Any juicy conversation about what, how, when, etc. should have happened already and should be left in the past. Now it is time for the team to come together around the chosen plan and put the full force of its weight behind implementing it. Key to this step is a group agreement that even those who did not opt for the chosen plan initially will do their part to ensure its success.
Resource Library
Introduction to PRISM
Identifying Values & Developing Norms
- Recommended Go-Around
- Outline & Exercises
- Recommended Reading
- 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey
- Dare to Lead by Brene Brown
- 5 Dysfunctions of a Team by Patrick Lencioni
Understanding Conflict Management Styles
- Recommended Go-Around
- Outline and Exercises
- CMS Grid
- Options for Moving Through Conflict
- Link to DYNAD: https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=2243679
- Reminder Sheet
Communicating through Conflict
- Recommended Go-Around
- Scenarios
- Trouble with Snow
- Eric and Mario
- PowerPoint
- Reminder Sheet
- Recommended Reading
- Difficult Conversations by Stone, Patton and Heen
- Truth at Work by Mark Murphy
- Dignity by Donna Hicks
Asking Curious Questions
- Recommended Go-Around
- PowerPoint
- Reminder Sheet
- Recommended Reading:
- Powerful Non-Defensive Communication by Sharon Strand Ellison
- Humble Inquiry by Edgar Schein
Reframing the issues
- Review Norms
- PowerPoint
- Reminder Sheet
Listening to Understand
- PowerPoint